Thursday, 22 July 2010

Arvon's Six-Word Story Competition

Alluding to the legacy of Hemingway's great six-worder (For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.), the Arvon Foundation is holding a competition for six-word short-short stories. Stories can be sent now (some are being posted on the website) and will be received until 1 September, at which point judge Karen McCarthy will select the winners. The prize is a splendid week on an Arvon course, so go ahead, email your six-word stories to

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Under the Radar seeks submissions for short story issue

Print journal Under the Radar is seeking short stories up to 3,000 words--but with no minimum word count--for a special short story issue; the editors specifically say flash fiction is welcome. The deadline for submissions for this issue is end August, and submissions are welcome via post or email. See the website for further details.

Friday, 2 July 2010

A short-short story application for the iPhone

More moneyed short-short story enthusiasts might be interested in an iPhone application providing 333-word flashes direct to their screens--and the opportunity to submit their own such stories. Thanks to former Sudden Prose student Simon Reynolds for the notice.